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Introducing 60 Teachers to PBL


12 % Funded

Days left

About the campaign

With the support of generous donors like you, we have developed locally relevant digital math and science courses for high school and middle school students and are making them available through a mobile app. To further increase student learning and economic outcomes, we train teachers in Powerful Blended Learning (PBL) and equip them with the necessary resources to begin and run a PBL class. PBL is a teaching method that combines digital and face-to-face instruction to engage students' hearts and minds in their learning. The approach makes learning personal and accessible, authentic and challenging, collaborative and connected, inquisitive and reflective, and provides students with employability skills. 

In collaboration with Digital Promise, we developed a PBL course that we piloted in December 2023. In FY2024-25, with your support, we plan to continue supporting each of these teachers, monitoring their progress, and helping them assemble their PBL toolboxes. After completing the pilot project, we will use the resources and lessons learned to extend the PBL training and resources to 40 more teachers in Dalaba.

By the end of the fiscal year, we would have enabled 60 teachers to run BPL classes effectively in rural Guinea. To carry out this project, we have to cover a. $11,913 for the hours of three digital literacy trainers; b. $4,500 for the travel expenses of an international PBL expert; c. $1,600 for transport, food, and refreshments for the PBL workshop sessions; and d. $500 for app maintenance and hosting account costs, e. 3,600 for administrating the program. This makes a total of $22,113. $13,299 has already been raised, and we are still raising $8,814. Your support is critical to initiating Guinean teachers to PBL. Thank you!

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Introducing 60 Teachers to PBL

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